Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


The Inevitable

I knew it would happen sooner or later. It has almost happened several times before, but I avoided it until last night. When I arrived, I had a feeling that it would probably happen. All the pieces were in place. Then the bell rang. Footsteps up the stairs. Then Tequila introduced us... "This is Concert Josh, and this is My Ex-husband"

And that was that. It was over, and way less of a 'situation' that I had built it up to be.

Then this morning when I turned on the WGN Morning News, as I do every weekday. The very first story I hear is about another Catholic Priest practicing his ministry by reaching out and touching boys. In the privates. Only this time, the name of the priest and his parish was familiar to me. Mostly because it was THE CHURCH I ATTENDED AS A BOY. I knew the priest. He was MY priest. I was never really alone with him, but when I was around him.. I got a weird feeling. Just that, something is not right feeling you sometimes get, but have no idea why feeling. I mean, I was in my early teens and only attended church for another year or two before I quit going completely to explore 'other' ways to get 'in touch with god.' You know, like dropping multiple hits of acid and such.

Anyway, I took an extra long shower to try to get rid of that ewwww feeling I am having right now.