Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings



so I didn't post from Vegas because the internet was not free. Fuckers.

The List:

So here are the things I did that were on my list:

  1. get laid - sort of
  2. win money - I won about $100, which was spent on booze.
  3. get drunk - well, I wasn't very sober.
  4. get laid - No, we're done for now
  5. meet up with Chef Dusto - done and done. we didn't really chat about the stuff we said we would. It wasn't necessary. When your friends, no family, with someone for over 15 years there are some things that you just don't need to say. I was glad to see him.
  6. get drunk - huh?
  7. get drunker - well, I puked after a shot of Jager. After puking and freshing up a bit, I headed right back to the bar and ordered another vodka drink. Apparently this isn't something everyone does as this was a BIG deal at the wedding.
  8. win money - well, I came home with $32.
  9. don't piss off my girlfriend - well I DID manage to irk her at one point..... only because there was a miscommunication, as soon as she checked her messages I was out of hot water.
  10. have fun - I did. and I never have before in that town. Maybe it was the fact I wasn't there working my ass off for 10+ days.... maybe it was the person I went with.
I also got to see my friend Steve. Steve was either working or on call to work every day I was there. This did not stop Steve from staying out until 2 or 3 in the morning every night with me. Drinking. Heavily. I got several early phone calls from him saying I was an asshole, fucker, and a dick. But he came out every night.

Other Vegas Tid-Bits

  • The ride on top of the Stratosphere called Big Shot is one of the funnest rides I have ever been on. I am glad I did not ride it during the day though.
  • Fat Burger Rulez!
  • I want to ride the coaster at New York, NY
  • It is FUCKING hot. Like 115 degrees hot out there right now. It is not hard to stay inside all day when it is that hot.
  • There are a lot of weirder, drunker people than me or my friends in Las Vegas
  • 40 Year Old Virgin is a fucking funny movie.
  • The wedding was nice, the reception was a bit boring, the food was excellent. I was also half of the hottest couple at the wedding.
  • The Fountain at the Bellagio is awesome.