Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


The Rumor Mill

So I was just down in the office cafeteria to microwave my cinna-bun thing the Roommate's girlfriend made. The Building Administrative Assistant was in there getting coffee. She noticed my blue jeans (I'm not supposed to wear them to work, but I don't really care much) and she said she had heard that Corporate was throwing around the idea of going to full business dress. That means a shirt and tie.

If that is the case, I am going to do what Concert Dad did while attending Catholic High School. Go buy the ugliest tie I can find, leave it 'tied' and here at the office. When I come in the AM, I will put it on and then take it off when I leave. I will wear the same ugly tie every day. I will never wash it, or re-tie it for that matter. That'll show 'em.

Today my projection room is getting painted, which means I won't really be able to project anything, which means I really can't work today. I should have just stayed home.

I guess I will just have to surf the interweb all day. I would rather watch those detective shows on Discovery, or Law & Order on TNT, or play Tiger Woods 2K6, or nap. Oh well.

Tomorrow is my little brother's birthday party. He'll be 11.

Valentine's Day is next week. I'm not a real big fan of that pseudo-holiday. It seems that my girlfriend isn't either. I'm wondering if I should get her some small token gift like heart shaped box of chocolate, or one of those small stuffed bears that is holding a heart that has a message of love on it. She told me NOT to do anything like that at all. I can't help but wonder if this is reverse psychology.

Also, I NEED a vacation. I keep getting Carnival Cruise emails. Might be time for me to try something like that.