Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


Reality Check

So apparently all air traffic into and out of an airport that G-Dub is flying into stops completely for an hour. Fucking Bush.

I received my 'Paid In Full' letter from the Department Of Education today. Awesome.

Speaking of education, I was watching the TV pretty much all weekend. I watched the Food channel exclusively Saturday morning. I saw a couple of tasty looking dishes prepared. Some of them will be coming to a kitchen near me soon. One other program I watched was about a woman that started her own 'Personal Chef' business. I am going to look into this a little more, but I think I may have found my next career move.

I have been summoned to the Home Office over on the east coast early next week for a 4 hour Meeting/Training session. The training is on a new, super secret piece of equipment being shown next week a the Bears Home Pre-Season game. The meeting is for my 1/2 year review. I am going to ask for a raise.

Ween Rocked Madison last week. Completely Rocked.

Best wishes to my good friend Scott. I hope all is well, and I hope to see you soon.

I'll try to check back in later this week, I'll be down in St. Louis the rest of the week for some Football. Go Colts!