Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


Bathroom Behavior.

So every few months a few outside sales guys gather at my building for meetings, training on new machines, goal setting, etc. I don't normally cross paths with these people except for one place. The Men's 2nd Floor Bathroom.

I really wish I could go visit these guy's offices. I would love to have a few minutes alone in their bathrooms. Then I could pee on their floor, use their toliet (for #2) and not flush, throw used hand towls onto the floor and not in the 'open top' garbage can that is right there next to the door.

Also, please don't start chatting with me while standing next to me at the urinal. It just isn't cool. What type of response are you looking for when you stroll up, unzip and ask. "How's it going?"

Some answers I have given this week:

"Fine, except for the burning."
"How do you work this thing anyway?"
"I could use some help with this."
"Not so good, I'm stuck in the zipper. And there is blood"
"Oh my god, have you ever seen anything like this before?"
"Ahhh, that feels sooooooo gooood"