Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


What I did this Weekend

Here is a re-cap. I totally didn't feel like posting this from home. Actually I don't really feel like posting this now, but I want to work even less so here goes:

A misuse of words caused a slight misunderstanding. Went home after work.

Got up really early, bundled up and drove over to my girlfriends house for some snuggle time. Went home, made a crappy breakfast (it was really shitty) and rode my couch all day. Took a few mood relaxes and passed out on the couch before 10PM. Got a sweet surprise sleep over.

Got up early to go work. Kicked my girlfriend out and then listened to my message saying not to come to work today, its way too cold. So I got the day off, but I would have to be out there at 7:30AM on Monday so my sister could get her car back so she could return to school. She has mono and stayed home all last week. I borrowed her car while mine was getting fixed. I immediately called Tequila and told her the news. I cleaned up, packed some things and headed over to her place just in time for a kick-ass breakfast. We followed that up with a trip to the thrift store, and Kohl's.

Up before the sun. Drive 40+ miles. Arrive at parents house at 7:20AM. It doesn't look like anyone is even up. Sister finally emerges... good thing because I was gonna be upset if I got up that early for nothing. Breakfast out with Concert dad, pick up my car, and then hit the job. I removed another wall of plaster, and at about the halfway point I sliced my palm open. There was lot's of blood, it was looking pretty bad. Concert dad drove me over to see Concert Mom before she went to work in the ER. She said I wouldn't need stitches, wrapped my hand up so I could get back to work and mentioned something about calling my Dr. about a tetanus shot.

I hate needles. Its fine.

Now, I am back at work. Sore from yesterday's hard labor. But I look good in my "I [heart] Hot Mom's" shirt, and that's all that really matters. Right?

Also, I hate it when I leave my iPod at home. I even just put a bunch of new music on it.