Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings



The Pope has sent investigators to check all the seminary's in the U.S. for a homosexuals.

In Other News

Tequila Red has convinced me to grow facial hair. I have never done this before because I don't think it ever looked good. She likes it, so I decided to give it a shot. I walked into my office today and my office assistant Rose, who is a little older than my mother, was making eyes at me and said how she liked what I had going on. So far I also like it. You can't really tell from this picture, but there is a 3:1 ratio of reddish hairs to brown ones. So there is a aburn tint to it.

I have also imposed a ban on self pleasure. I feel like I have been seducing myself way too much and need to let someone else, like my girlfriend do the seducing. It is currently day 5. I'll let you know how long I make it.