Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


Top Chef

So after seeing the disappointing ending to this season's Top Chef I decided to look up where Marcel was working in Vegas.

According to his bio on the Bravo web site he works for Chef Joël Robuchon at the MGM in Vegas. A very good friend of mine also works for Chef Robuchon so I gave him a call to see if it would be possible for me to meet Marcel when I go out to Vegas later this spring.

Chef Dusto informed me that he too thought Marcel should have won, but his attitude in 'real life' was much like his attitude on the show. The smarmy, know it all, I'm better than you attitude he exhibited on the show. He was pretty much hated as much in 'real life' as he was on the show. Also, Chef Dusto informed me that Molecular Gastronomy was really looked down upon in the upper echelon of Chef's.

My opinion is that if Marcel could have worked better with Sam (who should have won) and Mikey in the kitchen for his final presentation he would have won.