Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings



Only 4 more shopping days left before Christmas, and only 2 until my family party! Boy-o-boy do I have a lot of crap to still go out and buy.

I'll probably have to start going during my lunch hours today and tomorrow. Some stuff I bought via the internets hasn't arrived yet either. Hopefully that crap arrives in the next two days.

Tonight Tequila and I are going to see the gay cowboy movie. There isn't anything like some man love to get in the spirit of the Holidays. I have been looking forward to seeing this movie since I heard a quote on the morning radio show hosted by Johnny B... it goes like this "I wish I knew how to quit you" said in cowboy drawl. I'll try to throw up a review tomorrow.

Tomorrow night The Rockstar's band is playing a Holiday Show. It's only $7 to get in, so if you live in Chicago you have no excuse for not going. Show info is as follows:


Beat Kitchen
2100 W. Belmont Ave.

Horace Pinker, Explode and Make Up, Lynyrds Innards.

Dec. 22: 8 p.m.

Price: $7 (18+)
Phone: 773-281-4444

alright I have to get a ton of crap done here at the job.