Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


The Weekend Update (a few days late)

Wednesday 11/23

I got to work early so I could wrap up a few things, and make sure my co-worker had work to do when I left at lunch. He came in and his first question was "How long is roast beef good for?" I answered "probably no more than 4 days if it is from the deli." He replied with "Huh, that might be why I don't feel so good.." Apparently he ate some meat that was almost two weeks old. I asked him "didn't it look or smell funny?" At that point he ran to the bathroom for the first time. After two trips to the men's room (I would have left after the first trip, then again I wouldn't give myself food poisoning either..) I sent him home. This is what I deal with every weekday. I got my photo with the Emmy, and then left for Tequila's house. I checked the internerd traffic and decided that the highway would be the fastest.. WRONG. Oh well, what is an extra hour in the car right?

Well, had I known the trip to the 2nd most dangerous city in the States would take 7+ hours I might have taken a different route. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Upon arriving to Tequila Sister's house I got a phone call. I wouldn't have answered it if I knew who it was.. but I did. It was the Gangster, an old Nerd School friend back in Chicago visiting his family. After a short chat I got off the phone feeling like a dork.

The rest of the family arrived, a few drinks were had and then it was bed time.

Thursday 11/24

What a day. It is what every Thanksgiving should be like. Small intimate gathering, good food, football, funny revelations about my girlfriend from her family, dessert, and games. I go to really nerd-up and show Tequila Family just how much I knew about TV Shows.

Friday 11/25

A good breakfast followed by a short 5 hour car ride home. Tequila took a nap, I had a sandwich and then it was movie time. I can't get over how much Joaquin Phoenix looks like the Rock Star, my sister's boyfriend.

Saturday 11/26

Tequila made me pancakes. She swears by some weird "always throw the first pancake away motto" that I have never heard of. I told her she was crazy, and that she needed to turn the flam down a bit... that's when I found myself making the rest. I googled her motto, but found nothing. Anyone else have any insight to this??

After some thrift store shopping, where I scored a cool Bears glass and two coffee mugs (Old Fart, and Life Begins At 30.. fitting) it was Notre Dame football time. good game, by why Charlie would you use the lame legged kicker 3 times?? Why? Thanks to Brady Quinn and Maurice Stovall ND should get a bid to the Fiesta Bowl.

Note To Sam Galveston: You Suck for not answering your phone.

Sunday 11/27

I made some omelets, and then it was Bears Football time. A tense game once again dominated by the Bears defense. I really wish the offense was just a little better. If we could count on them to sustain one or two scoring drives per game, this would be one hell of a football team. A quick trip to the local Jewel and we had the fixings for dinner. I watched the packers lose, again. And it felt good.

As you can see, it was a great few days spent with my Special Lady Friend. Today she was off to NYC, and I probably won't se her again until maybe Friday. This week I will be working long hours here at the job, tending to a few chores around my place, and getting ready to go to work for Concert Dad first thing Saturday morning.


not really.