Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


Top 5 Reasons Why Today Sucks

So I recently saw part of 'High Fidelity', the John Cusack movie fillmed here in Chicago a few years back. Cusack uses a lot of 'Top 5' lists in the movie, so I am going to follow suit today.

5. The shitty traffic I hit on my way in this morning. Mostly because the stoplight that was out last night was still out this morning and there was no traffic control officer dealing with the rush hour traffic. I sat in barely moving traffic for about 3 miles which took well over 40 minutes. Fuck You Melrose Park, IL.

4. The constant ringing of my office phone, with semi-irate customers looking for their equipment. I'm swamped. I have been doing work for another office. My co-worker is lazy. Please back off.

3. It is currently 74.7 degrees in my work area. I feel like passing out. The heat at home is only set at 67, and goes down to 63 at night. I like it cooler.

2. I am freaking starving, but am too busy to stop for lunch. maybe I'll get to eat around 2PM CST. Cross your fingers.

1. I have not seen my lovely Girlfriend in several days. I also agreed to take on a Cabinet Job with Concert Dad. This is my last non-working weekend for a while. This means less time with the Girlfriend, and friends I don't see often enough as it is. She seems to think I took this job so I could spend less time with her. She couldn't be more wrong.

I guess things could be worse.