Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


W. T. F.

So last night I stopped at Jewel for some dinner supplies. As I was heading with my cart full of crap to the check-out I paused in the Halloween isle. I saw a Pumpkin Candle that was marked down so I grabbed it as my only Halloween Decoration for the year. After drooling over some of the candy, I turned and continued on my way to the check-out. You wouldn't believe what the next isle was full of.

Christmas Decorations. That's right a whole entire freaking isle of Jewel is already full of glass ornimates, blinking lights, stockings, Santa Figures, Snowmen, the works. I almost puked right there. I mean, October isn't even over yet. What happened to waiting until Thanksgiving is over before you have to think about Christmas.

Fuck Christmas. I think I am going to boycott this year...