Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


The Weekend


I went to some jam packed Country bar for Melmar's Birthday celebration. When we first got there, Tequila was being a little stand-offish with me. So I made my way around the room talking to a few other people I knew there. It wasn't until later in the evening that I learned some jackas from her past had called, thus ruining her good mood. (Note to said jackass: Next time call me. We'll straighten this out once and for all. Don't have my number? Email me a I'll make sure you get it) I got to meet the super cool and ultra hottie The Jade. I also got to sit inbetween Tequila and Jade during a heated session of girltalk. Very awesome, very hot and also kind of disturbing at the same time.


I got up pretty eary on Saturday to go help Concert Dad put some insulation in the house he is working on. I was STARVING when I got there and thought Concert Mom migt make some breakfast for me. I went to the fridge to see what might be for breakfast.. only their fridge was completely bare. Completely, the only thing in there was the light bulb. I ran downstairs and grabbed a couple of microwave burritos. AS the microwave was beeping, Concert Mom suggested that I trash those, and we'e head to a local breakfast eatery for actual breakfast food. I rounded up my bro and the three of us headed out. On the way, Concert Mom turned to me and said "I hope you have money, I am broke" I chuckled, and told her no to worry about it, I'd be more than happy to take her and The Little Bro out.

After breakfast I headed over to the other house my dad owns. He gave me a list and sent me to the brand new Home Depot for the supplies. From the time I was about 15 until I was 20 I worked full time for Concert Dad's remodeling business. Actually, for most of those years it was just the two of us. I was always the guy running to the store for supplies. I rarely made a mistake buying those supplies. Not this time. I got the totally wrong insulation. You see the space between ceiling joists is 16'' on center. That makes the space between the boards about 15''. I bought 23'' wide insulation. WRONG STUFF, GO BACK. I eventually got the correct stuff, and then spent the next few hours cutting and installing this itchy crap with my Dad. We finished up around 8:30, I got home around 9:45 grabbed some clotes for the next few days and headed back over to Tequila's. We got some Thai food, Tequila found a hair in hers, thus ruining our dinner. This was the second time in as many days that Asian food had made me feel not so good. No offense to anyone, but I am done with Asian food unless I make it myself.


NFL Day. Usually I watch ESPN, Fox, and CBS pre-game shows. Not this week. This Week Mr. Melmar invited me to actually attend the game. I got to the bar a little before 10, grabbed some breakfast and waited for the rest of our group. We boarded a bus that took us to and from the game for the mere cost of $8/person. It was so freaking windy at the game. There weren't any long passes, or field goals. I did see history though. San Francisco missed a field goal with 2 seconds left. Nathan Vasher caught the short kick about 8 yards deep in the end zone. He then ran the missed kick 108 yards back for a touchdown. The longest runback in NFL history. Awesome. After the game I headed back to Tequila's house and took a nap. I woke up a few hours later and tried to eat. That didn't work out so well, and the rest of the evening didn't exactly go so well.


I woke up this morning saying that I was probably going to just stay home because I felt like crap. I realized that there were a few tasks I needed to do at work, so I went in anyway. I'm gad I did go in, because I had totally forgot about a pain in my ass customer that was stopping by first thing in the morning, and my co-worker isn't qualified to handle this PITA, nor would he have known the right questions to ask. I finished up my few tasks, and headed home for a nap.

When I got here, I noticed the contents of the under sink cabinet on the counter. I got in touch with the roomie to get the story. Apparently something down below was leaking. I spent the next 40 or so minutes fixing the leak. Now I am finally going to lay down and nap. Until the dryer buzzer goes off anyway.