Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings



So part of my job requirements include reading circuit schematic's to repair electronic problems. Not usually the easiest thing, but by far no the most difficult thing I do around here. Today I got a 'new' piece in with electronic problems. I don't mean new like this guy just bought it, but new as in new model that I haven't really worked on much. Still, not that big of a deal. I pull out the service manual, low and behold no schematic drawing. Huh? I look some more, checking other manuals. Nothing. So I type up a quick email to The Boss man.

The response was basically this:


That schematic is 'Top Secret". Yes, we have a copy here, but we aren't giving it out to the other regions. You should be able to figure this problem out anyway. OK.

The Boss Man

I didn't know 'Magic" was one of the required skills for this job.