Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings



This morning on my way into work I noticed the leaves on the trees are changing. As I sit here and type this I can see the same thing out my window. The temperatures have started dropping, fall is finally here. I love this weather, except that I am totally allergic to it.

I pulled a muscle in my back last night. I wasn't moving anything heavy. I didn't fall. I was 'excersising'. I knew as soon as I did it that it was kinda bad. I lied about it, and told the Girlfriend that I was fine.. but in reality I wasn't. I am not.

Tonight is U.S.E. at Schuba's. I have seen them twice before while in Seattle for the Bumbershoot Festival. They are a very energetic live band with a great stage presance. We might hit up a Sierra Navada private party before hand. My friend Mr. Shitty is the reigonal distributer for them and invited me.

I just found out my friend Matt is coming thru town with a band called The King of France tomorrow night. I won't be able to see him again due to a little thing called my Grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. He will be back, with some band or another but a 50th annivarsary only happens once. Plus they are my Grandparents. And they rule.

Check Tequila's page for a special guest apperance in her HNT picture.

Chicago people, check this out: Drink For Hunger