Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


Crazy Lumberjack Man Stalker

Everyone goes through life making friends, and then losing touch with them for whatever reason. I have had several relationships like this through out my life. I have lost 'best friends' when my family moved to a different town at the age of 8, and again at 13. When you are that age and move, it is hard to make friends with the in crowd right away so you end up making friends with the weird-o types. The thing is, I never really fit in with the trendy, cool kid crowd and was pretty much always a weird-o fringe crowd type. We listened to weird music, rode skateboards, wore shirts with crazy graphic's, stole beer from our parents, and experimented with countless illegal substances. We were also a tight nit group.

Then one by one, most of us went away to college, got jobs, moved to different parts of the country chasing our dreams, got married, and had kids. Not everyone though, there were the few who never left the sanctuary of their childhood neighborhood, or their adolescent habits. Those that decided not to chase life, but that eternal buzz instead and are still right where they were when the rest of us left. Living in the small town, sometimes right down the street from their parents house if not still in it. They work menial, brainless jobs.. if they work at all. There is no drive in them to grow up, and become responsible adults that explore this marvelous world which we live on. Which is just fine for them, they seem happy I guess.

One of these people is the Lumberjack. He isn't a Lumberjack as much as he is a white trash hillbilly. We were real good friends for a long period of time. We partied together for years after our core group of friends started to split. I took him on road trips, introduced him to my 'new' friends, and generally tried to get him to see that with small changes in his life style, could live a life similar to mine. Basically, he chose the devil's candy instead. One of the last times I saw him, I told him he needed to quit playing with the devil, and get his life straightened out. I was probably a bit harsh to him, but I thought he needed that. I thought he would listen to me, and see for himself that yes, he did need to change a little. Instead, he became defensive, ornery, and basically told me to "Fuck off". I didn't talk to him for about 2 years, until my 30th birthday earlier this year. He was brought to my party. We talked. After we talked, we left the past behind and decided to try to rekindle our friendship. A week later my roommate called me while I was out visiting my parents and said he found the Lumberjack sitting on our front steps. Apparently he had sat there since about 9:30 in the morning that day and was still sitting there when I finally made it back into the city around 9PM. He stayed that night, and the whole next day. I finally got him to leave by telling him I had a date ( I didn't), and he would have to go now. Even then he tried to get me to play one more round of Xbox Tiger Woods, or have dinner with him, or catch a movie. When he got into his vehicle, I explained that showing up on my doorstep like that was unacceptable, and that we weren't young fools anymore. Some of us have girlfriends, and roommates, and a whole different lifestyle than just a year or two ago.

Since that day, I have not answered any of his calls. I got a message from him today asking me if I was in jail or dead. To tell you the truth, I am really surprised he isn't the one that is dead or in jail.