Concert Josh

not so daily ramblings


Um, Um, Yeah, That's The Ticket

So I stopped over at my Grandparents house for lunch today thinking I might run into some relatives that I won't see at tonight's dinner. No relatives except for the two Grandparents. I was shuffling around their house when my ex-nurse Grandmother asked what was wrong. I tried to brush it off with a quick, "OH, I pulled a muscle in my back/side last night moving some stuff around" thinking that would be it. Nope. The questions started flowing;

G - What were you moving?
Me - furniture
G - What kind of furniture?
Me - um, um, um, just some stuff at my Girlfriends place.
G- Oh, Was it just the two of you?
Me - um, yeah.. Just the two of us. Hey, what's up with checking into the hotel tomorrow?
G- You're all set. We took care of everything. Just give them your name at the front desk. Did you put some heat on your back?
Me - no, I didn't last night.
G - Here, take this heating pad. I'll need it back though. What did you say you were moving?
Me - um, yeah so who is all planning on going to the City with us Saturday night.
G - What are you taking for the pain and swelling? Anything?
G - You should take some Aleve. I have some in the other room, come on with me. (as she grabs my hand like I am still 8, gawd I love this crazy old lady)