About time
Smoked a cigarette ~ YES. Quit for good by the time I was 22.
Crashed a friend's car ~ NEVER. I have dented my own a few times though.
Stolen a car ~ NEVER
Been in love ~ YES
Been dumped ~ More than I care to mention here.
Cheated on someone ~ YES. And it sucks.
Been cheated on ~ YES. And it sucks even more.
Shoplifted ~ YES.
Been fired ~ YES.
Been in a fist fight ~ Yes.
Snuck out of your parents' house ~ All the time!
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back ~ Just once
Smoked pot ~ Today? No, not yet.
Gone on a blind date ~ YES.
Was a blind date ~ YES.
Lied to a friend ~ YES.
Skipped school ~ Yes
Seen someone die ~ NEVER
Had a crush on one of your internet friends ~ YES
Been to Canada ~ NEVER
Been to Mexico ~ NEVER.
Been to Jamaica ~ YES
Been on a plane ~ LOTS.
Been on a train ~ YES.
Been on a cruise ~ NEVER!
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire ~ Huh?
Eaten Sushi ~ YES.
Been skiing ~ NEVER.
Met someone in person from the Internet ~ YES
Been at a concert ~ You mean this week? No, not yet.
Taken painkillers ~ DUH, LOTS.
Love someone or miss someone ~ Just that one time.
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by ~ maybe when I was 6.
Made a snow angel ~ YES, but it was more of a devil.
Flown a kite ~ YES
Built a sand castle ~ YES, all the time when I was little.
Gone puddle jumping ~ I never knew anyone with one of those dogs.
Played dress up ~ Ever hear of Halloween?
Jumped into a pile of leaves ~ YES
Gone sledding ~ YES
Cheated while playing a game ~ YES
Been lonely ~ YES.
Fallen asleep at work/school ~ Today? Not yet.
Used a fake id ~ NEVER had a need for one
Watched the sunset ~ I’ve probably seen the sunrise just as many times.
Felt an earthquake ~ NEVER.
Touched a snake ~ YES the snake in my pants.
Slept beneath the stars ~ More like passed out cold outside somewhere.
Been tickled ~ Just by my priest.
Been robbed ~ someone stole my heart once.
Been misunderstood ~ Daily
Petted a reindeer/moose/alligator ~ Yes, I think so, no.
Rode a horse or any other farm animal ~ I rode a cow once.
Won a contest ~ I don’t think so.
Run a red light/stop sign ~ YES.
Been suspended from school ~ All the time.
Been in a car crash ~ YES
Had braces ~ NEVER
Felt like an outcast/third person ~ Felt? You mean feel right?
Eaten a whole tub of ice cream in one sitting? ~ YES, but now I have this lactose thing and can’t eat ice cream.
Had deja vu ~ I’ve tried pretty much everything twice.
Danced in the moonlight ~ At outdoor rock shows.
Liked the way you look ~ YES.
Witnessed a crime ~ Have you ever been in my neighborhood?
Been obsessed with post-it notes ~ YES
Squished barefoot through the mud ~ YES
Been lost ~ I have never been lost, I am always exploring alternate routes.
Swam in the ocean ~ YES, Atlantic and Caribbean
Felt like dying ~ YES.
Played cops and robbers ~ Just in the bedroom.
Played cowboys and Indians ~ same as above.
Sung karaoke ~ NEVER, but I've watched that train wreck happen
Paid for a meal with only coins ~ Not Recently.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't ~ YES
Made prank phone calls ~ 15 today, and counting.
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose ~ Things have gone in my nose, not out of it.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue ~ YES
Danced in the rain ~ Again, at outdoor rock shows.!
Written a letter to Santa Claus ~ YES, but that fat fucker never got me what I wanted
Been kissed under the mistletoe ~ YES
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about ~ YES
Blown bubbles ~ Michael Jackson’s Monkey? No, can’t say that I have.
Made a bonfire on the beach ~ YES
Crashed a party ~ YES
Had a wish come true ~ Still haven’t won the lottery!
Jumped off a bridge ~ YES.
Told a complete stranger you loved them ~ Ever taken Ecstasy?
Kissed a mirror ~ I thought that said minor.
Sang in the shower ~ Too busy playing with myself.
Had a dream that you married someone ~ you mean nightmare?
Glued your hand to something ~ YES
Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - or anything frozen ~ YES
Sat on a rooftop ~ YES
Done a one-handed cartwheel ~ No, I fall plenty on my own thank you.
Talked on the phone for more than 5 hours ~ Lord no, I don’t like being on the phone for more than 5 minutes...
Stayed up all night ~ YES
Picked and ate an apple right off the tree ~ YES
Climbed a tree ~ YES
Had a tree house ~ YES
Scared to watch scary movies alone ~ NEVER
Believe in ghosts ~ YES
Have more then 30 pairs of shoes ~ NEVER.
Worn a really ugly outfit to work ~ ALL THE TIME
Gone doorbell ditching ~ YES
Played gay chicken ~ with a lesbian once.
Pushed/fell into a pool/hot tub w/ all your clothes on ~ YES
Told you're hot by a complete stranger ~ Not Often enough IMO
Broken a bone ~ Chipped my collar-bone (you can still feel the indent) and my rib.
Been easily amused ~ Have you met me?
Caught a fish then ate it ~ YES
Caught a butterfly and/or firefly ~ YES I was 8 once.
Laughed so hard you cried and probably peed ~ YES
Cried so hard you laughed ~ That doesn’t even make sense
Cheated on a test ~ YES
Forgotten someone's name ~ YES
French braided someone's hair ~ French Kissed – YES, braided.. no
Cut your own hair ~ YES
Gone skinny-dippin in a pool/hot tub/lake/ocean ~ YES!
Been threatened to be kicked out of your house ~ More times than I have fingers.
Been kicked out your house ~ only once.
Loved someone so much you would gladly die for them ~ YES.
Ridden on top of a moving car ~ YES
Snuck up on a sleeping wild animal and scared it ~ What do you think I am.. an Apache Indian
Woke up with a hangover but still started that morning where you left off the night before. ~ All of the time.
Worn same underwear for more than a day ~ SURE
Gone streaking ~ NEVER
Gone into the opposite sex's restroom ~ YES
Been arrested ~ NEVER
Made love somewhere outside ~ Well, we had sex.
Fell asleep in the sun and got a second-degree burn ~ NEVER, but I know someone that did.